With Lakenheath's runway due to be shut once again the Eagles had started to move across to Mildenhall. With 5 on the ground already it seemed like a chance to get some more images of new ones arriving. However only one actually made it onto the ground his wingman had an IFE with smoke and fumes in the cockpit and was escorted back to Lakenheath. Once again visitors were very thin on the ground.
91-0318 F-15E |
91-0318 F-15E |
F-15E TDY |
88-1803 MC-130H |
88-1803 MC-130H |
88-1803 MC-130H |
88-1803 MC-130H |
63-8019 KC-135R |
84-0109 C-21A |
88-1803 MC-130H |
62-3565 KC-135R |