The 95th Reconnaissance Squadron's operations, maintenance, intelligence and administrative personnel provide European and Mediterranean reconnaissance, real-time intelligence, information warfare and combat support to national-level leadership and war-fighting commanders, while responding to various wing missions worldwide. The squadron executes missions using RC-135 aircraft and supports the EC-135 Airborne Command Post and OC-135 Open Skies mission when in theater. Those aircraft are drawn from 55th Wing, Offutt.
RC-135W 62-4130/OF
SNOOP56 28/12/13 |
SNOOP56 28/12/13 |
SNOOP56 28/12/13 |
SNOOP56 28/12/13 |
RC-135V 64-14845/OF
HAWG95 19/12/13 |
HAWG95 19/12/13 |
RC-135S 61-2662/OF
COBRA56 07/11/13 |
RC-135U 64-14847/OF
PULKA22 02/11/13 |
RC-135V 63-9792/OF
SNOOP55 09/09/13 |
RC-135V 62-14843/OF
SNOOP56 08/06/13 |
SNOOP56 08/06/13 |
SNOOP56 08/06/13 |
SNOOP56 08/06/13 |
HAWG95 03/06/13 |
HAWG95 03/06/13 |
RC-135V 64-14842/OF
SNOOP56 09/05/13 |
SNOOP56 09/05/13 |
RC-135U 64-14849/OF
JOSEY28H 08/05/13 |
JOSEY28H 08/05/13 |
LIRA23 03/05/13 |
LIRA23 03/05/13 |
DOWER20 30/04/13 |
DOWER20 30/04/13 |
DOWER20 30/04/13 |
DOWER20 30/04/13 |
BUMPY29 29/04/13 |
BUMPY29 29/04/13 |
APAID22 22/04/13 |
APAID22 22/04/13 |
APAID22 22/04/13 |
LAPIS22 12/04/13 |
LAPIS22 12/04/13 |
LAPIS22 12/04/13 |
MCKAY28 08/04/13 |
MCKAY28 08/04/13 |
MCKAY28 08/04/13 |
MCKAY28 08/04/13 |
MCKAY28 08/04/13 |
COBRA55 27/02/12 |
COBRA55 27/02/12 |
COBRA55 27/02/12 |
COBRA55 27/02/12 |
RC-135W 62-4139/OF
16/06/10 |
16/06/10 |
16/06/10 |
23/10/09 |
23/10/09 |
23/10/09 |
13/10/09 |
13/10/09 |
13/10/09 |
RC-135V 62-14844/OF
30/07/10 |
30/07/10 |
30/07/10 |
04/06/10 |
04/06/10 |
04/06/10 |
OC-135B 61-2670/OF
29/10/10 |
OC-135B 61-2672/OF
COBRA72 20/05/13 |
COBRA72 20/05/13 |
COBRA72 20/05/13 |
OSY12T 20/05/13 |
COBRA72 29/03/13 |
COBRA72 29/03/13 |
COBRA72 29/03/13 |
07/10/11 |
TC-135S 63-4133/OF
22/09/12 |
22/09/12 |